Dr. Cassie Quigley is Department Chair and Professor of Science Education in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading at the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her doctorate in Curriculum & Instruction at Indiana University in 2010. Prior to joining the School of Education at Pitt, she was an associate professor of science education at Clemson University. Currently, she works with in-service teachers on expanding their current pedagogical practices to include equitable approaches in science. Additionally, she examines the ways collaborative problem solving can be a tool for disrupting status in classrooms and a way to promote computational thinking skills for girls and students of color.
Her website can be found here.
Dr. Quigley teaches in the MAT and CASE program to certify elementary, middle, and high school students as well as teaching a variety of courses in graduate education programs. She also teaches STEAM courses for the STEAM Certificate Program (a part of the M.Ed Online Program).
Dr. Quigley is working on several projects. One project is examining how to support girls and students of color’s occupational identity in STEM. She is working with seven school districts across Western PA to understand the instructional approaches that support this identity formation. Additionally, she is currently working with the MuseumLab and Manchester Academic Charter school to understand the learning implications of a middle school located inside a museum.
Herro, D., Quigley, C.F., Plank, H*. Abimbade, O.* (2021). Understanding Students’ Peer Interactions During Making Activities Designed to Promote Computational Thinking. Journal of Education Research. 114:2, 183-195, DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2021.1884824
Herro, D., Quigley, C.F., Abimbade, O*. (2021) Assessing Elementary Students’ Collaborative Problem-Solving in Makerspace Activities, Information and Learning Sciences. 112: 11/12, 774-794, DOI: 10.1108/ILS-08-2020-0176
Quigley, C.F., Herro, D., King, E., and Plank, H*. (2020) STEAM Designed & Enacted: Understanding the Process of Design and Implementation of STEAM Curriculum in an Elementary School. Journal of Science and Technology Education. 29, 499-518, DOI: 10.1007/s10956-020-09832-w
Quigley, C. F., & Herro, D. (2019). An Educator’s Guide to STEAM: Engaging Students Using Real-World Problems. Teachers College Press. New York, NY
Quigley, C. F., Beeman-Cadwallader, N., & Carter, I. S. (2019). Re-imaging and re-constructing cross-cultural research through critical personal narratives: an examination into fault lines. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 32(2), 167-187.
Quigley, C.F., Herro, D., Shekell, C., Cian, H., & Jacques, L (2019) Connected Learning in STEAM Classrooms: Opportunities for Engaging Youth in Science and Math Classrooms. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-019-10034-z
Quigley, C., Godley, A., Boulder, T., Allegheny Intermediate Unit (2021). Strength Across Schools (SAS) Partnership: A Multi-District Collaboration to Develop Justice Focused Computational Thinking and Computer Science Curricular Materials for Middle School English Language Arts. National Science Foundation. $299,652.
Quigley, C.F., Owens, Aileen. (2021). Environmental Justice Pathway: Empowering Students through Agentic and Relevant Data Science. The Grable Foundation. $100,00
Quigley. C.F. (2020) Research to Practice Partnership: Knowledge-Building Partnership. Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. $70,001.
Owens, A., Burke, Q., Quigley, C.F. & Herro, D. (2019) STEAM Studio Model for Innovation: Building Robust Learning Ecologies and Pathways in Computer Science. Pennsylvania Department of Education. PAsmart Advancing Computer Science and STEM Grant. $500,000.
AERA Qualitative Research SIG Program Co-Chair, 2019-2022
SEEDS Board of Directors (2017-present)
Division of Innovative Leadership for the School of Education, 2020
Big Proposal Grants Program Member, 2020