Dr. Christopher Kline is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Human Development. His research focuses on the interrelationships between physical activity, sleep, and cardiometabolic risk. Specifically, research focuses on three central topics: (1) the use of physical activity as a behavioral treatment for disturbed sleep (e.g., insomnia, sleep apnea) and the health consequences of these sleep disturbances; (2) how poor sleep impacts physical activity behavior; and (3) the independent and combined influences of physical activity and sleep on cardiometabolic risk. Dr. Kline also has a long-standing interest in studying the impact of sleep and circadian rhythms on athletic performance.
Born and raised in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, Dr. Kline earned his BA in Sports Science from Malone College and his MS and PhD in Exercise Science from the University of South Carolina. He first came to Pittsburgh as a postdoctoral scholar with the University of Pittsburgh Sleep and Chronobiology research group, and later joined the Pitt faculty as an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry. He has been faculty in the School of Education since 2015.
Dr. Kline’s ExerSleep research group is always looking for motivated students. Please contact Dr. Kline for additional information about current openings. If you are a Pitt undergraduate or MS student who is interested in gaining volunteer research experience with our group, please contact Dr. Kline. The minimum commitment expected is 5-10 hours per week for at least 2 semesters. Students will gain hands-on experience at all stages of the research process, including sleep assessment methodology (e.g., actigraphy, polysomnography).
Dr. Kline teaches courses in the Health and Physical Activity academic programs. Presently, he teaches Physiology of Exercise in the undergraduate program and Physical Activity and Health in the graduate program.
Exercise as a behavioral treatment for sleep disorders (insomnia, sleep apnea)
Bidirectional relationships between physical activity and sleep
Cardiometabolic risks of subclinical sleep disturbance and sleep disorders
Sleep as a pathway through which physical activity improves cardiometabolic health
Sleep assessment technology and actigraphy editing standardization
Impact of sleep and circadian rhythms on athletic performance and recovery
Kline CE, Hillman CH, Bloodgood Sheppard B, Tennant B, Conroy DE, Macko RF, Marquez DX, Petruzzello SJ, Powell KE, Erickson KI. Physical activity and sleep: an updated umbrella review of the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines. Sleep Med Rev 2021;58:101489. PMID: 33934046.
Kline CE, Chasens ER, Bizhanova Z*, Sereika SM, Buysse DJ, Imes CC, Kariuki JK, Mendez DD, Cajita MI, Rathbun SL, Burke LE. The association between sleep health and weight change during a 12-month behavioral weight loss intervention. Int J Obes 2021;45(3):639-649. PMID: 33414489.
Kubala AG, Barone Gibbs B, Buysse DJ, Patel SR, Hall MH, Kline CE. Field-based measurement of sleep: agreement between six commercial activity monitors and a validated accelerometer. Behav Sleep Med 2020;18(5):637-652. PMID: 31455144.
Kroshus E, Wagner J, Wyrick D, Athey A, Bell L, Benjamin HJ, Grandner MA, Kline CE, Mohler JM, Prichard JR, Watson NF, Hainline B. Wake up call for collegiate athlete sleep: narrative review and consensus recommendations from the NCAA Interassociation Task Force on Sleep and Wellness. Br J Sports Med 2019;53(12):731-736. PMID: 31097460.
Kline CE, Burke LE, Sereika SM, Imes CC, Rockette-Wagner BJ, Mendez DD, Strollo PJ, Zheng Y, Rathbun SL, Chasens ER. Bidirectional relationships between weight change and sleep apnea in a behavioral weight loss intervention. Mayo Clin Proc 2018;93(9):1290-1298. PMID: 30082081; PMCID: PMC6129208.
Principal Investigator. Reducing sedentary behavior to improve sleep: an ancillary study to the RESET BP clinical trial. NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R01 HL147610); 04/2019-02/2023.
Principal Investigator. Disentangling subclinical cardiovascular risk associated with insomnia, short sleep duration, and their combination. NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (R03 HL148357); 08/2019-07/2021.
Principal Investigator. Exercise and obstructive sleep apnea: examination of the nocturnal rostral fluid shift as a mechanism of effect. University of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund Small Grant; 07/2017-06/2021.
Principal Investigator. A novel risk factor for cardiovascular disease: the insomnia-short sleep phenotype. NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (K23 HL118318); 01/2014 – 12/2019.
Awards and Honors:
- Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine (2020)
- American Heart Association Early Investigator Travel Award (2016)
- Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Merit Award (2014)
Dr. Kline is an editorial board member of four journals: (1) Journal of Activity, Sedentary and Sleep Behaviors; (2) Mental Health and Physical Activity; (3) Sleep; and (4) Sleep Health. He also currently serves on the Behavior Change Committee for the American Heart Association.