Mahati Kopparla received her Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. She previously worked with the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development as project coordinator and at the University of Calgary as a postdoctoral researcher.
Through her research, she explores how mathematical and scientific literacy can equip learners to become aware of the social and environmental issues in the world and act collectively as global citizens. She is passionate about hearing diverse voices and representing global perspectives through her work. She is inspired by the stories and teachings of her family which provided opportunities for learning beyond the school curriculum.
She hopes to co-design learning spaces that are immersed in a sense of joy and narrow the divide between home and school.
Her initial research predominantly focused on exploring different ways to improve learner engagement and persistence in STEM subjects. Through her work in different geo-political settings and engagements with diverse learners, teachers and researchers, her understanding of STEM knowledge and purpose of STEM learning constantly evolved. Specifically, she became aware of the problematic, narrow, and constrained views of STEM education that has caused widespread socio-economic stratification and ecological damage.
Moving beyond the intent of STEM education towards producing qualified workforce and ensuring economic progress, she now explores “how the inclusion of diverse communities and ways of knowing can expand the scope of STEM education towards supporting sustainability and equity.”
Kopparla, M., Takeuchi, M. A., Thraya, S., Yuen, J., & Chowdhury, A. (In Press). Play, Joy, and Creativity in Land-based STEM Learning: Reconnecting with Intergenerational Knowing for Refugee Learners [Invited book chapter]. In J. D. Adams & C. Siry (Eds.), Wondering Science: Creativity, Imagination and Future Thinking in Science.
Kopparla, M., & Saini, A. K. (2022). Evaluating mathematics and science teaching through student drawings. European Journal of STEM Education.
Kopparla, M., & Pathak, A. (2022). Reimagining Education: perspectives from students, teachers, and parents. In S. Chakravarti & B. Boukareva (Eds.), Cases on Global Innovative Practices for Reforming Education. Hershey, PA: I.G.I. Global Publisher.
Eyes High Postdoctoral Fellowship, Wekurland School of Education, University of Calgary, (September 2021 – August 2023)