McClure, M.W. (2019). MOOCs, students, higher education and their paradoxes. Preparing students for life and work: Policies and reforms affecting higher education’s principal mission. W. Archer and H. G. Schuetze (Eds.). Leiden: Brill. (pp.157-178).
McClure, M.W. (2018). Reframing education finance: Super wickedness, silver bullets, and educational inheritance. Voices of reform. 1(1), 157-178.
McClure, M. W. & V. Krekanova. (2018). More trouble ahead for public school finance: The implications of generational change in Pennsylvania. Commonwealth Year in Review. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
McClure, M. W. 2016, February. Investing in MOOCs: “Frenemy” Risk and Information Quality. (Invited). D. Zajda and V. Rust. Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
McClure, M.W. (2015). MOOCs: Hype or hope: Conflicting narratives in higher education policy. Higher education reforms: Looking back- looking forward: Proceedings from the 10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform. P. Zgaga, U. Teichler & H. G. Schuetze, eds. (Higher Education and Policy Series) Bern: Peter Lang .
McClure, M. W. (in press). Morphing MOOCs: How will new purposes, formats and entrants contribute to HER? Higher Education and its Principal Mission: Preparing Students for Life, Work and Civic Engagement. Proceedings from the 11th International Workshop on Higher Education Reforms (HER). St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Diplomacy Lab, US State Department. (2019). US Embassy in Athens.
Curriculum Development for International and Global Education. with Marzia Cozzolino. Global Studies/University Center International Studies, University of Pittsburgh.