Faculty Member Jill Perry Publishes Book on the Education Doctorate
A new book by University of Pittsburgh School of Education faculty member Jill Perry provides a step-by-step toolkit for university administrators and faculty seeking to improve their education doctorate programs.
In Reclaiming the Education Doctorate: A Guidebook for (re)Designing EdD Programs (Myers Education Press, 2023), Perry advocates for a comprehensive overhaul of Doctor of Education (EdD) programs. The book guides readers through a (re)design process that includes defining graduate outcomes, navigating milestones, and reconsidering admissions. Each chapter provides exercises, tools, and resources for the individuals involved in developing or revising EdD programs.
In addition to being a professor of practice in the Pitt Education Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy who primarily teaches in the EdD program, Perry is executive director of the Carnegie Project on the Educational Doctorate (CPED). CPED is an international network of more than 135 graduate schools of education and aims to improve EdD programs through dialog, experimentation, critical feedback, and evaluation.
“This book serves as a practical guide for faculty and higher education administrators who wish to redesign their EdD into a professional practice doctorate in education,” says Perry. “It reinforces the work of CPED to strengthen the educational doctorate for professional practitioners who seek to become transformational leaders.”
Additionally, Perry hopes her book brings clarity to the distinction between EdD and PhD programs.
“EdD programs should cater to individuals who want to remain in educational practice,” says Perry. “I see this book as a valuable resource for faculty initiating or practicing in EdD programs, aiming to challenge existing programs to reevaluate, continuously improve, and inspire the creation of new ones.”
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The Doctor of Education (EdD) program at the Pitt School of Education is now accepting applications.