Dr. Lindsay Clare Matsumura is a Professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leading. She holds a joint-appointment as a Senior Scientist at the Learning Research and Development Center, where she co-directs the Institute for Learning. Her research centers around literacy instruction and learning. She is especially interested in understanding processes of teacher learning to enact dialogic instruction through remote literacy coaching, the use of artificial intelligence to improve formative feedback and students’ text-based argument writing, and the integration of reading and writing in both face-to-face and online classrooms. The results of her research have been published in both scholarly and practitioner-focused journals such as the Reading Teacher and the Learning Professional (JSD). She also has published a book for teachers focused on developing high-quality writing assignments.
EDUC 3005 Policy as a Lever for Change
EDUC 3205 First Year Seminar for PhD Students
LSAP 3095 Learning Technology
LSAP 3095 Academic Writing Seminar
LSAP 3095 Learning Policy and Educational Change
LSAP 3095 Professional Learning in the Content Areas
TLL 2089 Public Policy for School Leaders: Assessment and Accountability
Classroom discourse
Text-based argument writing
Learning technology (automated writing evaluation)
Professional learning
Literacy coaching (online and ‘in-person’)
Correnti, R., Matsumura, L.C., Walsh, M.W., Zook-Howell, D., & Bickel, D.D. (in press). Effects of Online Content-Focused Coaching on discussion quality and reading achievement: Building theory for how coaching develops teachers’ adaptive expertise. Reading Research Quarterly.
Zook-Howell, D., Matsumura, L.C., Walsh, M.W., Correnti, R., & Bickel, D.D. (2020). Developing adaptive expertise at facilitating dialogic text discussions. Reading Teacher.
Walsh, M.W., Matsumura, L.C., Zook-Howell, D., Correnti, R., & Bickel, D. D. (2020). Video-based literacy coaching to develop teachers’ professional vision for dialogic classroom text discussions. Teaching and Teacher Education.
Wang, E. L., Matsumura, L. C., Correnti, R., Litman, D., Zhang, H., et al (2020). eRevis(ing): Students’ revision of text evidence use in an automated writing evaluation system. Assessing Writing.
Correnti, R., Matsumura, L.C., Wang, E., Litman, D., Rahimi, Z., & Kisa, Z. (2019). Automated scoring of students’ use of text evidence in writing. Reading Research Quarterly
Teacher Learning to Enact Productive Discussions in Mathematics and Literacy. James S. McDonnell Foundation, $2,500,000
Response-to-Text Tasks to Assess Students’ Use of Evidence and Organization in Writing: Using Natural Language Processing for Scoring Writing and Providing Feedback At-Scale, Institute of Education Sciences, $1,497,000
For Argument’s Sake: Applying Questioning the Author Techniques to Support Comprehension and Composition of Written Arguments, Institute of Education Sciences, $1,495,000
Web-Mediated Professional Development for High-Quality Reading Comprehension Instruction, Institute of Education Sciences, $1,495,000
Content-Focused Coaching for High-Quality Reading Instruction, Institute of Education Sciences, $2,946,865
Awards and Honors:
- Council of Graduate Students in Education, University of Pittsburgh, Extra Mile Award for Mentoring, 2012
Member, Executive Committee of the Learning Forward Foundation
Editorial board member, Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Co-Director, Institute for learning