Correnti, R., & Matsumura, L.C., & *Walsh, M., & Zook-Howell, D., & Diprima-Bickel, D., & Yu, B. (In Press). Effects of Online Content-Focused-Coaching on text discussion quality: Building theory for how coaching develops adaptive expertise. Reading Research Quarterly.
Russell, J. L., Correnti, R., Stein, M. K., Bill, V., Hannan, M., Schwartz, N., … & Matthis, C. (2020). Learning from adaptation to support instructional improvement at scale: Understanding coach adaptation in the TN mathematics coaching project. American Educational Research Journal, 57(1), 148-187.
Russell, J. L., Correnti. R. C., Stein, M. K., Thomas, A., Bill, V. & Speranzo, L. (Accept). Mathematics coaching for conceptual understanding: Promising evidence regarding the TN + IFL Math Coaching Model. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
Howe, E., & Correnti, R. (In Press). Negotiating the political and pedagogical tensions of writing rubrics: using conceptualization to work towards sociocultural writing instruction. English Education.
Correnti, R., & Matsumura, L.C., & Wang, E., & Litman, D., & *Rahimi, Z., & Kisa, Z. (2019). Automated scoring of students’ use of text evidence in writing. Reading Research Quarterly.
Quintana, R., & Correnti, R. (2019). The Concept of Academic Mobility: Normative and Methodological Considerations. American Educational Research Journal, 0002831219876935.
Principal Investigator (PIs Richard Correnti, Mary Kay Stein Co-PIs Lindsay Clare Matsumura, Jennifer Russell) McDonnell Foundation, Teacher Learning to Enact Productive Discussions in Mathematics and Literacy, (2018-2022), $2,500,000.
Principal Investigator (Co-PIs Mary Kay Stein, Jennifer Russell) Spencer Foundation, Improvement of Mathematics Teaching At-Scale, (2017-2019), $1,000,000.
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PIs Diane Litman; Lindsay Clare Matsumura) Institute of Education Sciences, Response-to-Text Tasks to Assess Students’ Use of Evidence and Organization in Writing: Using Natural Language Processing for Scoring Writing and Providing Feedback At-Scale Measurement (Goal 5) (2016-2019), $1,400,000
Co-Principal Investigator (with Amy Crosson, Moddy McKeown and Lindsay Clare Matsumura). Institute of Education Sciences. For Argument’s Sake: Applying Questioning the Author Techniques to Support Comprehension and Composition of Written Arguments. (2015-2018), $1,500,000.
Coaching to Improve Common Core Aligned Mathematics Instruction in Tennessee,Jul 2014 – Jun 2017
Web-Mediated Literacy Coaching for High-Quality Reading Comprehension InstructionJun 2014 – May 2017