Valerie Kinloch Elected Vice President of NCTE
From National Council of Teachers English NCTE.org
NCTE is pleased to announce the election of Valerie Kinloch to the position of Vice President.
“It is my honor to have been elected as NCTE’s next Vice President,” Kinloch said. “Being a member of NCTE for more than 20 years has allowed me to partner with, learn from, and be inspired by dedicated educators from around the world who have an unwavering commitment to language and literacy teaching, learning, practice, and research. The lessons I have learned from our colleagues have significantly impacted my work as an educator, a researcher, and an administrator. They have also strengthened my commitment to standing in solidarity with others and advocating for justice and equity in education. While this work is not easy, English language arts educators know all too well that this work is absolutely necessary. As we move forward—as an organization and a profession—I will seek to do my best to contribute to the mission of NCTE in ways that build on our collective strengths in light of the many challenges we face.”
Kinloch is the Renée and Richard Goldman Dean of the School of Education and Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. She is also an executive member of the AERA Consortium of University and Research Institutions and co-chair of the Remake Learning Council.
In 2018, Kinloch was awarded the NCTE Advancement of People of Color Leadership Award. In 2015 she was awarded the NCTE Rewey Belle Inglis Award for Outstanding Women in English Education.
Her scholarship examines the literacies and community engagements of youth and adults inside and outside schools. Author of publications on race, place, literacy, and equity, her books include Service-Learning in Literacy Education: Possibilities for Teaching and Learning (2015), Crossing Boundaries: Teaching and Learning with Urban Youth (2012), Urban Literacies: Critical Perspectives on Language, Learning, and Community (2011), Harlem On Our Minds: Place, Race, and the Literacies of Urban Youth (2010), June Jordan: Her Life and Letters (2006), and Still Seeking an Attitude: Critical Reflections on the Work of June Jordan (2004). In 2012, her book Harlem On Our Minds received the Outstanding Book of the Year Award from the American Educational Research Association, and in 2014, her book Crossing Boundaries: Teaching and Learning with Urban Youth was a staff pick for professional development by Teaching Tolerance magazine.
In her candidate statement Kinloch said, “NCTE has helped me to engage in this work. From my service on NCTE commissions and committees to editing a column for the English Journal to serving as chair of the Standing Committee on Research, I remain committed to NCTE. As a former fellow and former director of NCTE’s Cultivating New Voices Among Scholars of Color (CNV) Program, I am thankful for the role NCTE has played in my professional life and the way NCTE has cultivated lifelong relationships with colleagues I might have never met.”
Executive Director Emily Kirkpatrick notes that “Valerie’s scholarship and leadership have pushed the field of education and literacy for more than two decades. NCTE has proudly stood with her in an early fellowship and later through service as the director of our prestigious CNV Program as well as the Standing Committee on Research. We are thrilled to now have Valerie join the Presidential Team and ultimately become President in November 2021. We are fortunate to have her leadership as we continue to improve and grow the work we do.”
In addition to serving as coeditor of the NCTE-Routledge Research Series, Kinloch has played a key role in many recent NCTE publications, including
“A Dialogue on Race, Racism, White Privilege, and White Supremacy in English Education” (English Education, January 2019) with Timothy J. Lensmire
“Professional Development as Publicly Engaged Scholarship in Urban Schools: Implications for Educational Justice, Equity, and Humanization” (English Education, January 2018) with Kerry Dixon
“When School Is Not Enough: Understanding the Lives and Literacies of Black Youth” (Research in the Teaching of English, August 2017) with Tanja Burkhard and Carlotta Penn
Kinloch will take office as Vice President during the NCTE Annual Convention in Baltimore, MD, in November 2019. She will join the Presidential Team, which currently includes Jocelyn A. Chadwick, Franki Sibberson, Leah Zuidema, and Alfredo Celedón Luján.
Full election results can be found here.