Upcoming Events
Critical Pedagogy Dialogues
Wednesday, May 8 and Wednesday, August 21
Facilitated by Chris Wright and Kate Joranson
Presented by the Kinloch Commons, co-sponsored by the Center for Urban Education and the Practices of Freedom Project
Teaching & Learning Liberatory Praxes in the University
Wednesday, May 8 | 3 – 4:30 p.m. ET
We will study Robin DG Kelly’s “Black Study, Black Struggle” to anchor a dialogue on the tensions among freedom work, university structures, and ideological commitments. We will collectively grapple with community building and educational institutions, engaging the undercommons as pedagogy and praxis.
Refusing Teacher/Learner Binaries
Wednesday, August 21 | 1 – 2:30 p.m. ET
We will explore the meaning of liberatory education in the documentary, “A Luta Continua!” to reflect on the ways the binary positions of student and teacher reinforce oppressive logics, and think collectively about how we might refuse, resist, and reimagine pedagogical relationships.
education & The Black Fantastic
Damien Sojoyner, in conversation with Sabina Vaught
Thursday, September 5 | 5 p.m. ET, 2 p.m. PT
“What is the Black Fantastic? The Black Fantastic is our freedom. The Black Fantastic is liberation,” says Ekow Eshun. It is temporal reclamations, ambitiously creative imaginings, aesthetic invocations and evocations, repurposings and rearrangements beyond modernity, conjure, realms, the political and artistic. And more. The Black Fantastic is expressed in the provocations of curiosity and questioning.
We invite you to join the Practices of Freedom Project, the Center for Urban Education, and the Kinloch Commons for a year of asking: What is education in the Black Fantastic? What is our educational freedom? Our liberation?
We begin the year with a dialogue with Damien Sojoyner, a scholar in the Black Radical Tradition who is the first scholar to connect the Black Fantastic to experiences of schooling. His ideas will provide the contours of what questions and study come next.
We welcome you to a year of extraordinary programming.