Lesson Example #1 Overview: In this lesson, students can choose between six significant habitat changes including wildfires, deforestation, city growth, sea levels rising, glaciers melting, and coral bleaching. Once they choose their topic, they will use EarthTime to analyze the data in different areas around the world so they can choose an area which they feel is impacted the most by environmental justice to complete a larger unit project.
Teacher: Tori Lojek, STEAM, Grades 3-5
Lesson Plans Grade 5 (includes unit plan): Understanding Human Impact on the Environment using Data Visualization Techniques through EarthTime
Lesson Demonstration Video: Link
Lesson Overview & Slide Deck: Link
Lesson Example #2 Overview: Students engage in an activity called Looking Ten Times Two in which they work independently then merge into group work. Students also engage in a data talk and use EarthTime to discover the constant burning fire in Braddock, PA and the environmental justice implications. Students will build connections between air pollution in Pittsburgh and surrounding industries. Students observe and capture data from historical photographs and work collaboratively with peers to understand the connection between the photographs and issues of Environmental Justice.
Teacher: Lynette Lortz, Computer Science, Grades 8-12
Lesson Plan Grade 8: Using Visualizations to Inspire Curiosity: How does our environment affect us?
Lesson Demonstration Video: Link
Lesson Overview & Slide Deck: Link
Lesson Example #3 Overview: In this unit, students will have the opportunity to collect audio and visual assets through connecting with Nature. They will use those assets and coding skills to create multimedia/multimodal websites to share their observations and experiences with others. They will also make explicit connections between the computational thinking activities involved with coding their observations in Nature, and Environmental Justice through narrative story telling.
Teacher: Shad Wachter, Technology Literacy, Grades 3-5
Lesson Plan Grade 5 (includes unit plan): Coding Nature
Lesson Demonstration Video: Link
Lesson Overview & Slide Deck: Link