BS in Applied Developmental Psychology

Strive for the well-being of children, youth, families, and communities.

This Bachelor of Science (BS) in Applied Developmental Psychology (ADP) program develops the theoretical knowledge and real-world experience needed for working with children, youth, and families within community programs, educational sites, and other human service fields. ADP also prepares students for graduate school in such fields as education, psychology, child and youth work, child life, social work, and counseling.

The ADP program has formed partnerships with many institutions, agencies, and educational programs throughout the Pittsburgh area which enable students to learn in actual work settings.


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Program Facts

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Applied Developmental Psychology

Enrollment Term





120 credits total (60 credits upon entering program + 60 ADP credits junior and senior year)

Application Deadline

March 1


The curriculum is organized into four terms of upper-division (junior and senior year) study.

Time Commitment


Program Overview

The undergraduate major in Applied Developmental Psychology (ADP) provides students with a foundation in the theory and practice of developmental psychology.

Degree Requirements

  • Courses include community-based field trips/observations and service-learning hours
  • Senior year 12 credit internship (6 credits fall, 6 credits spring) 300 hours each term – 20 on-site hours per 15 weeks
  • Updated Yearly Clearances (PA Criminal Record and Child Abuse, FBI Federal Criminal History) and current TB test
  • Maintain a 2.5 QPA or above in order to remain in the program.

LEND Center Leadership Trainees Program

Pitt Education students who are studying Applied Developmental Psychology or related disciplines can participate in the LEND Center Leadership Trainees program.Offered in partnership with Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, the program provides education and training for future leaders who will work on behalf of individuals and their families with with neurodevelopmental disabilities, chronic medical conditions, challenging behaviors, and at-risk factors for future disabilities.
LEND Program Description


  • HHD 1002 Development: Conception Through Early Childhood (3 credits)
  • HHD 1003 Adolescent Psychology (3 credits)
  • HHD 1014 Psychological Interventions (3 credits)
  • HHD 1016 Development Curriculum And Activities (3 credits)
  • HHD 1025 Professional Seminar (3 credits)
  • HHD 1036 Developmental Meaning Cultl Distn (3 credits)
  • HHD 1007 Methods Of Evidence-based Practice (3 credits)
  • HHD 1013 Developmental Psychopathology (3 credits)
  • HHD 1024 Family Dynamics (3 credits)
  • HHD 1028 Developmental Practice Seminar 1 (3 credits)
  • HHD 1041 Child & Youth Work Practice 1 (6 credits)
  • HHD 1029 Developmental Practice Seminar 2 (3 credits)
  • HHD 1043 Child/Youth Practice 2 (6 credits)
  • HHD 1050 Supervision and Administration Child Youth Work Setting (3 credits)



The B.S. in Applied Developmental Psychology program has the following requirements for entry:

  1. Minimum QPA of 2.5
  2. Evidence of experience and ability to work with children/youth (e.g., volunteer work or employment)
  3. A clearly written statement indicating relevant professional goals.

In addition, students must have the planned completion of 60 undergraduate credits, including 30 credits of approved prerequisite courses.

  • Language and Literacy (6 credits)​
    • ENGCMP 0200
    • Any advanced composition course or any writing course “W”
  • Quantitative and Formal Reasoning (3 credits)
    • STAT 0200 Basic Applied Statistics
    • STAT 0800 Statistics in the Modern World​
    • SSTAT 1000 Applied Statistical Methods
  • Creative Expression/Humanities (6 credits from two different departments)
    Choose from:

    • Art – HAA
    • Communication – COMMRC
    • English Literature – ENGLIT
    • Music – MUSIC
    • Philosophy – PHIL
    • Political Science – PS
    • Theater – THEA
  • Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)​
    • PSY 0010
  • Natural Science (3 credits)
    Choose from:

    • Anthropology
    • Astronomy
    • Biological Sciences
    • Chemistry
    • Geology
    • Neuroscience
    • Psychology
    • Physics
  • Social Science (6 credits from two different departments)
    Choose from:

    • Anthropology – ANTH
    • Economics – ECON
    • History – HIST
    • Health and Physical Activity – HPA
    • Political Science – PS
    • Religious Studies – RELGST
    • Sociology – SOC
    • Classics -CLASS
    • Women’s Studies – WOMST
    • Psychology – PSY
  • Non-Western Culture/International (3 credits)
    • Any course in this category

Career Pathways

ADP BS Graduates report working in the following areas/careers:

  • HeadStart Educational Coordinator
  • Community-based Program Director
  • Child Care Director
  • Home Visiting Program Coordinator
  • Environmental Charter School – Para Educator
  • Residential Treatment Center – Family-focused Therapist
  • Propel Schools – Behavioral Coordinator
  • Youth Mental Health/ Behavioral Treatment programs
  • Educational Coordinator WQED
  • Alternative Schools
  • Children’s Theater Company
  • Research Assistant
  • Therapeutic Support Programs
  • Professional Association Advocacy Specialist
  • Homeless Shelter – Children’s Programs

ADP BS Graduates also apply to various graduate programs or the School of Education’s Primary Plus program to obtain a teaching certificate.