The University of Pittsburgh School of Education offers Freedom Seminars to support students in understanding and engaging education within global social, cultural, and political frameworks of freedom.

The Freedom Seminars attend to a range of global freedom projects, theories, pedagogies, and praxes. Each course is a focused engagement with a specific set of questions, ideas, and topics relevant for understanding education within social, cultural, and political movements, systems, and structures. Students study both the what and how of freedom through global, insurgent knowledge traditions.

Course Structure

  • 1-credit courses offered in the fall, spring, and summer terms
  • Open to all undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh
  • Course title is EDUC 1067 for undergraduate students and EDUC 3067 for graduate students

Act 48 Credits

For in-service educators who have already obtained their teacher certification, the Freedom Seminar courses can qualify for Act 48 credits. Please note: the Pennsylvania Department of Education makes educators responsible for ensuring that the course content aligns with their certification area. Visit our Act 48/Act 45 website for more information.


For more information about Freedom Seminars, please contact Dr. Sabina Vaught, Director of the Kinloch Commons for Critical Pedagogy and Leadership, at

Fall 2024

Freedom Seminar flyerBlack Literacies and Language: Freedom and Fugitivity – A Freedom Seminar
Facilitated by Chelsea Jimenez

We will learn about African and African diasporic languages and literacies through the study of Black migration, enslavement, and Black liberatory education movements.

EDUC 3067/1067 (1 credit)
Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. EST; web/virtual
6 weeks, Oct. 14 – Nov. 23

Contact with questions.

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Past Freedom Seminars

Collage of 10 flyers

Freedom Seminars offer a rich diversity of topics, including:

  • Africana Thought in Education
  • Decolonizing Knowledge and Power
  • Disabilities, Genders, and Free Futures
  • A Freedom Dialectic: do Nascimento & Freire
  • For an Afro-Latin American Feminism
  • Latinx Migration and Education
  • Place, Race, and Self-Determination
  • Political Education and Freedom Struggles
  • Prisons, Schools, and Abolition

Boriken Against Empire Freedom Seminar flyerBorikén Against Empire (taught by Lisa Ortiz)

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Afro-Latin American Feminism course flyer

For an Afro-Latin American Feminism (taught by Watufani Poe)
In her groundbreaking text “For An Afro-Latin American Feminism” Brazilian scholar-activist Leila Gonzalez called for a type of feminism that reckoned with the weight of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous histories in Latin America. Following Gonzalez’s call, this course investigates the varied theorizations of Afro-Latin American feminism from throughout the region and how Black women theorize and work towards their own freedoms. The seminar will pay particular attention to how Afro-Latin American feminisms work to deconstruct myths about the existence of “racial democracy” and racially harmonious interactions in Latin America by highlighting the physical and sexual violence inflicted upon Black women’s bodies.
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